Friday 31 July 2009


All that we are and all that we will be is connected to our unconscious thoughts and beliefs that we have acquired through our perception of our life experiences. I believe that we are born with a life purpose, with a unique ability to do something better than anyone else in the whole of the world, and yet, unless we address these underlying negative thought processes, these entrenched unconscious inner beliefs and these traumatic memories, we are destined for disappointment. 
I had an illuminating EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) session today which reminded me of the interconnectedness of present emotions and past experiences. I saw how beliefs acquired, and emotions experienced when I was a small girl, played out in the drama of my present day life. Prior to the session, I had found it difficult to connect with those past experiences. I had few clear images of my younger self, indeed my past was distant and hazy. 
I realised today that sometimes my daughter triggers in me the uncomfortable feelings of my inner little girl, in this case, feelings of abandonment, of not being good enough and of being fearful of change. My daughter illustrates to me, as clearly as a mirror, those areas in which, as a child, my needs weren't met. In turn, I mother her, at times, the way my own mother mothered me, which feeds the negative feelings and helps them grow bigger. My emotional needs were not always met in the past, so if I behave the same way in the present, so too will her needs be unmet.
 As children, we are as sponges, drinking up the life lessons from the important people around us; people with their own unresolved conflicts, their own histories of unmet needs. It pays to remind ourselves that everything is as it should be. The universe provides and we all make the best choices and behave in the only way we know how at the time, given our own life experiences and resources. If you look with your heart, you can find the keys to open the doors of healing.
Today I went some ways along the path of making peace with my inner little girl. There is more work to be done, soothing her and balming her from her past hurts, which echo in my present life. The beliefs I formed then, and the feelings that I felt, no longer serve me, so it is time to give her the things she felt she missed out on. It is never to late to have a happy childhood.

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