Thursday 14 May 2009


There is always a darker side to life. Without the darkness it is impossible to distinguish the light. Both are a vital part of the human spirit, the cycle of life. With birth comes the inevitability of death.
Today, I have yelled when kind words and a bit of imagination could have helped both myself and my daughter solve a situation. In between perfectly happy moments have come times of tension and thinly veiled threats and counter threats designed to softly wound in the face of feelings of powerlessness. And then....
...When the day is almost done comes surrender. A time of truly being present and resourceful and aware. A time of reconnection. The bonds of light and love are healed once more and all is well in the world.
As a mother, I feel that it is my duty to try to be the best me I can be and to allow the light to shine brightly as often as is possible. I am human and fallible and the darkness is always part of the cycle. I have tools which support me on this journey of motherhood and I share these with my children so that they may learn that, though the dark is ever present, some things help the heart feel a little brighter. These friends that nurture and sustain me, and those which I share, I am eternally grateful thanks to Reiki and to EFT. I trust these friends to help the hurts to heal. I trust these friends to guide me to what needs to be healed within me to enable me to mother my children in the way they most need and I surrender to the cycle, knowing that with awareness comes truth and wisdom.